Since the cost structures of conventional and additive manufacturing processes sometimes differ significantly, the cost factors must be carefully weighed up against each other. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 92(1):1519–1535, Gebler M, Schoot Uiterkamp AJM, Visser C (2014) A global sustainability perspective on 3D printing technologies. The AMPOWER part cost calculator provides an estimation of the minimal and maximal cost for 7 different metal Additive Manufacturing technologies with 4 different alloys. Rapid Prototyp J 22(6):871–877, Barclift M, Joshi S, Simpson T, Dickman C (2016) Cost modeling and depreciation for reused powder feedstock in powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Overheads are only included for personnel, margins are not included. Comput Ind 98:100–117, Strong D, Kay M, Conner B, Wakefield T, Manogharan G (2018) Hybrid manufacturing—integrating traditional manufacturers with additive manufacturing (AM) supply chain. AM, a three-dimensional production process, utilizes computer-aided design (CAD) to build objects layer-by-layer primarily via an … Comput Aided Des 30(5):343–356, Atzeni E, Salmi A (2012) Economics of additive manufacturing for end-usable metal parts. Addit Manuf 21:159–173, Siderska J, Jadaan KS (2018) Cloud manufacturing: a service-oriented manufacturing paradigm. in High value manufacturing: advanced research in virtual and rapid prototyping. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 107, 4033–4053 (2020). Assessing component design options through lifecycle cost analysis. in 27th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, Mai J, Zhang L, Tao F, Ren L (2016) Customized production based on distributed 3D printing services in cloud manufacturing. MATH Proc Inst Mech Eng B J Eng Manuf 220(9):1417–1427, Ruffo M, Hague R (2007) Cost estimation for rapid manufacturing ’ simultaneous production of mixed components using laser sintering. Cogent Eng 3(1):1261503, Thomas D (2016) Costs, benefits, and adoption of additive manufacturing: a supply chain perspective. To make systematic estimation, researchers have already developed different approaches to predict the cost of manufacturing. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. It was observed that the contexts and views described during the development of the models were often targeted at specific applications as well as technologies and were classified in many ways. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 92(9):4275–4291, Baumers M, Dickens P, Tuck C, Hague R (2016) The cost of additive manufacturing: machine productivity, economies of scale and technology-push. Cost Estimation of Laser Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel Heidi Piili* a , Ari Happonen b , Tapio Väistö c , Vijaikrishnan Venkataramanan a , Jouni Partanen d , Antti Salminen a,e In an early stage of business case contemplation an accurate calculation of manufacturing cost becomes complicated since multiple uncertain parameters have to be taken into consideration. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Int J Prod Econ 206:146–158, Charalambis A, Davoudinejad A, Tosello G, Pedersen DB (2017) Cost estimation of a specifically designed direct light processing (DLP) additive manufacturing machine for precision printing. p. 171–183, Urbanic RJ, Saqib SM (2019) A manufacturing cost analysis framework to evaluate machining and fused filament fabrication additive manufacturing approaches. There are three primary aspects to the economics of additive manufacturing: measuring the value of goods produced, measuring the costs and benefits of using the technology, and estimating the adoption and diffusion of the technology. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 62(9):1147–1155, Yim S, Rosen D (2012) Build time and cost models for additive manufacturing process selection. J Manuf Syst 53:124–149, Stewart RD (1991) Cost estimating. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 88(9–12):2573–2579, Piili H, Happonen A, Väistö T, Venkataramanan V, Partanen J, Salminen A (2015) Cost estimation of laser additive manufacturing of stainless steel. Proc Inst Mech Eng B J Eng Manuf 221(11):1585–1591, Xu X (2012) From cloud computing to cloud manufacturing. Proc Inst Mech Eng B J Eng Manuf 223(8):995–1003, Sharma F, Dixit US (2019) Fuzzy set based cost model of additive manufacturing with specific example of selective laser sintering. To design for additive manufacturing (AM), the decision to use AM needs to be taken early in the product development process. Eng Manag Prod Serv 10(1):22–31, Ren L, Wang S, Shen Y, Hong S, Chen Y, Zhang L (2016) 3D printing in cloud manufacturing: model and platform design. If you want to assume a high utilization of the involved process chain, please change the âQuantityâ to a higher number. Therefore, engineers need to be able to estimate AM part cost based on the few parameters available at this point in the process. & Wahab, M.S. It does not matter whether you are additively manufacturing a part in house or outsourcing it: You will incur substantial charges for machine time. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 84(1):71–83, Oh Y, Behdad S (2016) Assembly based part design to improve the additive manufacturing productivity: Process time, cost and surface roughness. I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the Privacy Policy *. Introduction The aim of this research is to propose a method to estimate with a good confidence level the cost of a part manufactured by additive manufacturing (AM). Simple heat treatment is included in LB-PBF under vacuum with high utilisation of oven capacity. A review paper. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 85(5):1857–1876, Thompson MK, Moroni G, Vaneker T, Fadel G, Campbell RI, Gibson I, Bernard A, Schulz J, Graf P, Ahuja B (2016) Design for additive manufacturing: trends, opportunities, considerations, and constraints. The calculator points out availability of different materials for the specific AM technology. Impact Analysis: Update 08-2020 [public access], Market And Technology News [public access]. The calculator differentiates between âchallengingâ and âimpossibleâ sizes. Rapid Prototyp J 19(3):208–214, Serrat J, Lumbreras F, López AM (2013) Cost estimation of custom hoses from STL files and CAD drawings. ... “Additive Manufacturing” (AM) is a promising technology which will provide major advantages to Defence Support Service providers, given its ability of delocalised manufacturing near the point of use. If you spread this cost over the useful life of the system (usually 5-7 years at 4,000-6,000 hours/year), then hourly operating costs for most laser PBF systems are as little as $10-$30/hr or $3-$5/hr in the case of Xact Metal, which all sound very reasonable. Additive manufacturing cost estimation models—a classification review. Comput Ind 60(9):643–656, Thomas DS, Gilbert SW (2014) Costs and cost effectiveness of additive manufacturing. J Ind Ecol 17(3):418–431, Lindemann C, Jahnke U, Moi M, Koch R (2013) Impact and influence factors of additive manufacturing on product lifecycle costs in Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing (Pro-AM2018), pp 637-643, Mahadik A, Masel D (2018) Implementation of additive manufacturing cost estimation tool (AMCET) using break-down approach. However, availability might change quickly through technological advancements. The review is based on a lower number of. The European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Cranfield, Xu F, Wong YS, Loh HT (2001) Toward generic models for comparative evaluation and process selection in rapid prototyping and manufacturing. Rolls-Royce PLC Derby (United Kingdom), Emelogu A, Marufuzzaman M, Thompson SM, Shamsaei N, Bian L (2016) Additive manufacturing of biomedical implants: a feasibility assessment via supply-chain cost analysis. This is necessary for almost every part. Int J Comput Integr Manuf 29(5):473–488, Hällgren S, Pejryd L, Ekengren J (2016) Additive manufacturing and high speed machining -cost comparison of short lead time manufacturing methods. Two main approaches are typically used for prediction, product-oriented and process-oriented,,. J Mech Des:138(4), Lindemann CFW, Jahnke U (2017) 11 - Modelling of laser additive manufactured product lifecycle costs, in laser additive Manufacturing, M Brandt, Editor. J Manuf Syst 19(5):283–296, Baumers M, Wildman R, Wallace M, Yoo J, Blackwell B, Farr P, Roberts CJ (2019) Using total specific cost indices to compare the cost performance of additive manufacturing for the medical devices domain. In: IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control 1:122-127, ASTM Standard F2792-12A (2012) Standard terminology for additive manufacturing technologies. CIRP J Manuf Sci Technol 16:1–11, di Angelo L, di Stefano P (2010) Parametric cost analysis for web-based e-commerce of layer manufactured objects. Austin Texas USA 6th–8th August, Goodall P, Graham I, Harding J, Conway P, Schleyer S, West A (2015) Cost estimation for remanufacture with limited and uncertain information using case based reasoning. Robot Comput Integr Manuf 28(1):75–86, Atzeni E, Iuliano L, Minetola P, Salmi A (2010) Redesign and cost estimation of rapid manufactured plastic parts. in ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Barclift M, Armstrong A, Simpson TW, Joshi SB (2017) CAD-integrated cost estimation and build orientation optimization to support design for metal additive manufacturing. The cost calculator is generally based on currently available technologies and systems. in Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Fera M, Macchiaroli R, Fruggiero F, Lambiase A (2018) A new perspective for production process analysis using additive manufacturing—complexity vs production volume. These costs may vary significantly depending on application and target industry. Support material is most common for LB-PBF, EB-PBF and Metal FDM processes. Am Soc Mech Eng, Wu D, Terpenny J, Gentzsch W (2015) Cloud-based design, engineering analysis, and manufacturing: a cost-benefit analysis. Cost Estimation of Laser Additive Manufacturing of Stainless Steel Heidi Piili*a, Ari Happonenb, Tapio Väistöc, Vijaikrishnan Venkataramanana, ... Manufacturing costs were studied with different build scenarios each with estimated cost structure by calculated build time and calculating the costs … Procedia CIRP 50:384–389, Lutter-Günther M, Wagner S, Seidel C, Reinhart G (2015) Economic and ecological evaluation of hybrid additive manufacturing technologies based on the combination of laser metal deposition and CNC machining. The efforts for manual unpacking, data preparation and heat treatment are estimated based on average values. Int J Prod Res 55(23):6957–6970, Yao X, Moon SK, Bi G (2016) A cost-driven design methodology for additive manufactured variable platforms in product families. volume 107, pages4033–4053(2020)Cite this article. ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Cost and Lead Time Estimation, Benefits and Challenges MARYIA SIDORYK MARAN TIROUGNANASSAMBANDAMOURTY . For Powder Bed Fusion (LB-PBF, EB-PBF) for example, influence factors are the machine size and number of laser sources. Comput Ind 64(3):299–309, Xu Y, Feng W (2014) Develop a cost model to evaluate the economic benefit of remanufacturing based on specific technique. Procedia CIRP 69:118–123, Zhang H, Nagel JK, Al-Qas A, Gibbons E, Lee JJ-Y (2018) Additive manufacturing with bioinspired sustainable product design: a conceptual model. Procedia Manuf 26:880–891, Li Y, Linke BS, Voet H, Falk B, Schmitt R, Lam M (2017) Cost, sustainability and surface roughness quality—a comprehensive analysis of products made with personal 3D printers. The cost per part includes system, material, consumable and labour cost. Energy Policy 74:158–167, Yosofi M, Kerbrat O, Mognol P (2018) Framework to combine technical, economic and environmental points of view of additive manufacturing processes. in 23th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium–An Additive Manufacturing Conference. Subscription will auto renew annually. Rapid Prototyp J 19(3):208–214, Yang Y, Li L (2018) Cost modeling and analysis for mask image projection stereolithography additive manufacturing: simultaneous production with mixed geometries. No.03CH37468), Luo RC, Chih Chin L, Jyh Hwa T, Chun Ching C (2004) The developmentof WEB based e-commerce platform for rapid prototyping system. Top 10 Cost Estimating Software For Manufacturing. Comput Ind Eng 52(2):241–256, Rudolph J-P, Emmelmann C (2017) A cloud-based platform for automated order processing in additive manufacturing. Available means that machine and production capacities for the technology and material are widely accessible. Procedia Manuf 33:123–130, Alexander P, Allen S, Dutta D (1998) Part orientation and build cost determination in layered manufacturing. NIST Spec Publ 1176:12, Lindemann C, Koch R (2016) Cost efficient design and planning for additive manufacturing technologies. Wiley Online Library p 147-157, Ruffo M, Tuck C, Hague R (2006) Cost estimation for rapid manufacturing—laser sintering production for low to medium volumes. Part of Springer Nature. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 85(1–4):633–642, Nagulpelli KS, King RE, Warsing D (2019) Integrated traditional and additive manufacturing production profitability model. The cost calculation tool is based on a number of assumptions to allow for a simplified cost estimation. 3D Print Addit Manuf 2(2):65–77, Khajavi SH, Baumers M, Holmström J, Özcan E, Atkin J, Jackson W, Li W (2018) To kit or not to kit: Analysing the value of model-based kitting for additive manufacturing. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 95(1):673–685, Khajavi SH, Holmström J, Baumers M (2018) Additive manufacturing as a platform for introducing cyber-physical services. The following list highlights the most important factors. Globally, an estimated $642.6 million in revenue was collected for additive manufactured goods, with the U.S. accounting for an estimated $246.1 million or 38.3 % of global production in 2011. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. With the recent evolution of additive manufacturing (AM), accurate cost prediction models are of increasing importance to assist decision-making during product development tasks. Additive Manufacture (AM) is a novel manufacturing method; it is a process of forming components by adding materials. The AMPOWER part cost calculator provides an estimation of the minimal and maximal cost for 7 different metal Additive Manufacturing technologies with 4 different alloys. University of Texas, Austin, Rickenbacher L, Spierings A, Wegener K (2013) An integrated cost-model for selective laser melting (SLM). Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a process that creates a physical object from a digital design. Estimating the cost is a challenging task in that it requires a vast amount of manufacturing knowledge that has to be synchronised with many aspects from design to production. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Cunningham CR, Wikshåland S, Xu F, Kemakolam N, Shokrani A, Dhokia V, Newman ST (2017) Cost modelling and sensitivity analysis of wire and arc additive manufacturing. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 102(9):3091–3108, Qian C, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wang Z (2019) A cloud service platform integrating additive and subtractive manufacturing with high resource efficiency. Eur J Oper Res 273(1):334–352, Tosello G, Charalambis A, Kerbache L, Mischkot M, Pedersen DB, Calaon M, Hansen HN (2019) Value chain and production cost optimization by integrating additive manufacturing in injection molding process chain. Springer, Cham, pp 39–48, Schröder M, Falk B, Schmitt R (2015) Evaluation of cost structures of additive manufacturing processes using a new business model. Int J Comput Integr Manuf 26(7):596–615, Manogharan G, Wysk RA, Harrysson OLA (2016) Additive manufacturing–integrated hybrid manufacturing and subtractive processes: economic model and analysis. John Wiley & Sons, Wohlers T (2016) Wohlers report, Wohlers Associates Inc., USA, Hopkinson N, Dicknes P (2003) Analysis of rapid manufacturing—using layer manufacturing processes for production. The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Education Malaysia (Higher Education), Malaysia, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under the post-doctoral fellowship scholarship scheme. in International Cost Estimating and Analysis Association Professional Development and Training Workshop, Eyers DR, Potter AT (2015) E-commerce channels for additive manufacturing: an exploratory study. Additive manufacturing (AM) shows great promise in many industries as a low-cost, highly customizable production process for complex parts. Additive manufacturing cost estimation models—a classification review. J Manuf Sci Eng 139(8):081010, Huang R, Ulu E, Kara LB, Whitefoot KS (2017) Cost minimization in metal additive manufacturing using concurrent structure and process optimization. J Manuf Syst 46:115–126, Bonnín Roca J, Vaishnav P, Laureijs RE, Mendonça J, Fuchs ERH (2019) Technology cost drivers for a potential transition to decentralized manufacturing. Highly productive systems that are still in development are not considered. PubMed Google Scholar. (2018) developed a cost estimation framework to estimate the manufacturing costs associated with new products based on previous products of similar shape. Etteplan launches free cost-estimation tool for metal Additive Manufacturing November 5, 2020 Etteplan’s tool is said to enable quick estimations of production costs for metal additively manufactured parts (Courtesy Etteplan) As a result, various AM cost models have been developed. Size restrictions are bound to available machine sizes. The U.S. is currently a major user of additive manufacturing technology and the primary producer of additive manufacturing systems. Procedia Manuf 34:619–630, Franchetti M, Kress C (2017) An economic analysis comparing the cost feasibility of replacing injection molding processes with emerging additive manufacturing techniques. School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor, 81310, Malaysia, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, 86400, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia, Aini Zuhra Abdul Kadir, Yusri Yusof & Md Saidin Wahab, You can also search for this author in Correspondence to A total of 2,300 publications have been published during the period between 1997 and 2017. in IECON'03. Proc Inst Mech Eng C J Mech Eng Sci 217(1):31–39, Campbell I (2008) Stereolithography build time estimation based on volumetric calculations. This reflects the current state of the art. A review of Additive Manufacturing technology and Cost Estimation techniques for the defence sector. in ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Šoškić Z, Monti GL, Montanari S, Monti M, Cardu M (2019) Production cost model of the multi-jet-fusion technology. J Clean Prod 241:118379, Zhang Y, Bernard A (2013) Generic build time estimation model for parts produced by SLS. The main motivation is to provide broad and in-depth reviews of the estimation models developed over the past three decades using a systematic classification approach. In ASME 2016 11th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. Google Scholar, Scott A, Harrison TP (2015) Additive manufacturing in an end-to-end supply chain setting. 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE Cat. Offset material is needed when additional machining will be applied after printing. Technol Forecast Soc Chang 102:193–201, Baumers M, Beltrametti L, Gasparre A, Hague R (2017) Informing additive manufacturing technology adoption: total cost and the impact of capacity utilisation. Procedia Manufacturing 11:650–657, Allen J (2006) An investigation into the comparative costs of additive manufacture vs. machine from solid for aero engine parts. Procedia Manuf 1:64–76, Al-Roomi M, Al-Ebrahim S, Buqrais S, Ahmad I (2013) Cloud computing pricing models: a survey. CIRP J Manuf Sci Technol 10:49–60, Baldinger M (2016) Additive manufacturing cost estimation for buy scenarios. The tool contemplates a general availability as soon as several service providers or users are using and/or offering the alloy group on the market. The tool calculates cost based on an in-house production scenario. CIRP J Manuf Sci Technol 21:47–60, Lan H, Ding Y (2007) Price quotation methodology for stereolithography parts based on STL model. Manuf Lett 8:11–15, Zhu Z, Dhokia VG, Nassehi A, Newman ST (2013) A review of hybrid manufacturing processes—state of the art and future perspectives. 2006 ) production economics of rapid manufacture for manufacturing enables manufacturers to quickly and easily identify cost... 2013 ) product manufacturing and applies machine learning algorithms for dynamic clustering,,! Associated with new products based on average values the minimum and maximum cost shown in the process and build determination... 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Industry for cost estimation Dutta D ( 1998 ) part orientation and build cost determination in manufacturing! International Journal of Advanced manufacturing technology 107 ( 1 ):7, Lee j, Malone P ( 2003 Implications! Estimating Software for manufacturing pp 281–316, Westerweel B, Basten RJI, van Houtum (... Estimating challenges in additive manufacturing the debind and sintering process decision to use AM needs to be taken early the! Procedia Manuf 33:123–130, Alexander P, Allen s, Dutta D ( 1998 ) part orientation build!