We need our emotions like sadness and anger to know who we are and to set boundaries. I’m getting a little bit scared. Hi there becca, we recommend that you look up OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. I don’t want to feel violated and lose even more of sense of self and worth. We have given up on expecting good things to happen and life to work out well. But it does sound like a form of extreme anxiety or anxiety disorder. Whenever something bad happens to us, it’s easy for us to slip into one of the following behaviors: The thing is, as long as you live in this world, you are subjected to the same chaos, the ups and downs, the good and bad, the positives and the negatives of life. There are also free hotlines in Western countries that specialise in young people, find the UK list of free help lines here http://bit.ly/mentalhelplines. Personality disorders mean that since early adulthood, you have consistently thought and acted different to others in ways that make daily life a challenge. Have you looked at the symptoms of PTSD? It’s interesting you have used the word ‘rituals’, perhaps you have already done some research about OCD? Visit our sister site. Affliction is part of the test of life. It seems like every time something good happens, something terrible follows. In either case, it sounds like it’s time for help as this level of anxiety is not going to go away by itself. He could be cheating on me, hes lying to me, etc. Which is of course, highly unlikely. You will find new ways to cope that mean you feel more comfortable around others and in daily life. We can’t diagnose over the internet, we’d need to know you personally and take a full history. It’s brave to ask for help and you aren’t being a burden, people who love you want you to be okay. While a good chunk of work was gone, I was focused on how I could get back on track, since lamenting what happened wouldn’t accomplish anything. It’s always when I’m in a car. Talk to our therapists and counsellors from anywhere in the world via Skype and phone using our new platform, harleytherapy.com.]. Founded in 2006, we are an award-winning group connecting you to highly experienced therapists in our London rooms and online worldwide. I had to finish my exam.. Ive been so drained and today all of our birds died unexpectedly it their cage. I’m worried that it’s going to get worse. My main problem is that recently I have been feeling that my mother is going to die but the feeling is not like anxiety, like a stressed stomach or a pounding heart. Hi Sam, that sounds like some serious anxiety, and in fact it might also be the beginning of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). This will miraculously transform your whole life. By paying attention to our day-to-day thought patterns, we can start to coach our thoughts in a particular direction. Always work with it, not against it. It can start as stress. What is Hypnotherapy? CBT therapy would be a great start, it’s a short-term therapy that helps you get control of negative thoughts. We’d highly recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which is a short term therapy of generally up to four months that focuses exactly on helping you gain control of negative thought patterns. Would you be willing to talk to your GP or doctor? It's not about me. Anxiety often hits when we try to sleep. Because I feel like something bad will happen when i am asleep I have ADHD and I have medicine to help me but we kind of have figured out if I don’t take it gets worse and I wonder if I am not getting enough sleep I go to bed at 11 and most of the time wake up at 7 I used to wake up a 9 but I cant any more because after 7 my body wont let me sleep any more. It’s important to take your health seriously and rule out a physical cause. I am doubtful that it could be my sleep, could you help me in this case, I am puzzled. But I’m scared someone will upload it online and I’m identified. That was the first and hopefully the last time that happens, I did finally moved past it. If God were to interfere and prevent every bad thing from happening to each individual, it would be like taking the test away from a student. Have you ever experienced times when you go through just one bad thing after another? And if it is, is there anywhere that can help me get in touch with someone near me? Natural disasters and terrorist attacks are either random events in a chaotic world, or they are explicable events within a discernible pattern. I worry so much that bad things will happen to my kids before things even happen I feel guilty for everything I decided. Often when we are feeling nervous or insecure it’s the way we communicate that gets us into trouble. All the best. We do not post advertisements on this website or link to other websites aside from reputable, official sources of further information. It makes it really hard to do even simple every day activities like brushing my hair, showering etc. Feel completely unable to stop thinking this way? Also, i have been kind of paranoid lately, but usually it’s of things that wouldn’t even make sense (ex. Is there someone you can talk to that you trust? Childhood trauma, or having a parent who was unreliable, inevitably leads to the formation of a belief that the world is always dangerous. He or she needs to know you have anxiety which could also be connected. Here’s our guide to finding a good therapist as well http://bit.ly/findgoodtherapist. This will help us cope a lot better. Visit our sister site harleytherapy.com to see therapists across the UK, or from anywhere in the world via Skype or phone. Please I beg for your help, (By the way I’m very shaken and having the worst thoughts and feelings about something to my mum so please excuse me), Also these feelings and thoughts have stopped me from going out with friends and leaving the house is really hard because I feel like danger Is arounf. It could be that at some point in your childhood something bad happened when you were happy that has given you an idea good things lead to danger. There is a great book called "Why Zebras don't get Ulcers" that explains the sympathetic vs the para-sympathetic nervous systems. Hi Case, we can’t give any diagnosis over a chat and based on a comment as we would need to know you properly and your entire situation. When I was writing my final exam at school. Gee, this sounds like anxiety. Your brain is still growing, your body and brain are being flooded with hormones, and you are psychologically in the phase of trying to figure out who you are and what you will be. How this belief may be formed? Is it anxiety? These both contribute to poor sleep and exhaustion, which, again, can leave you paranoid and on edge. There are a lot of people who don’t like medication and who suffer from some anxiety. Hi Battalion, being a teenager is tough. 18.7k Followers, 9 Following, 31 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN (@cryformercy.eu) Best, HT. This, in turn, will change what you experience. what should I do and whaat do you think is the problem? Obstacles are the things stopping you from getting your goals, and if you keep overcoming these obstacles, you’ll eventually get what you want. Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. In summary, we’d imagine you are under considerable amount of stress and your brain is trying to cope. Have you considered reaching out to a counsellor? Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. We’d then suggest you really do need to talk to someone about it. Do consider reaching out for professional support. You would then convince yourself to dismiss the nice calm partner as, say, boring. Mia, we can’t really tell you what it is without knowing you and having a full history. I’m scared of other drivers and it’s such a scary thing I go into panic mode and that’s all I do. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. All you can do is try to make better choices. We have an article on asking your parents to help you with mental health here http://bit.ly/talktoparents. Learning Disability vs Learning Difficulty vs Learning Disorder - The Debate Continues, Always Feeling Alone In a Crowd? Do you have access to counselling via your school or workplace? Rapid Eye Movement Therapy - What’s it Like to Try? As for something happening to your mum, this kind of thinking is called ‘fortune telling’ and it is considered a cognitive distortion, you might find our article on this useful. ‘Cognitive distortions’ are when, without you even realising it, your mind warps … These kinds of thoughts and fears generally stem from past experiences or the way in which we grew up. Paranoia and a certainty that something bad is going to happen is par for the course here. And you went to a therapist, and you immediately decided he was not good and thought the worst of him. When I no i shouldn’t but I cant help it but everything hits me a lot at night time just be before bed.. its prob my own fault as a single mum of to obz been a bit stress thought out and working to support my children. I had to leave the park bc I was scared someone was going to start shooting or something was going to happen on a ride I got on. One, a daily gratitude practise http://bit.ly/gratitudepractise. And the reality is that sometimes things DO go wrong. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. On top of all of this, I am only 14 years old. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Even if it doesn’t. Second, communication. I had always been careful with my documents, especially having experienced painful reworks before from document crashes and what not. So try to work to accept yourself as you are, to not judge yourself for having emotions and worries, for exploring your emotions and worries instead. Or it can be from childhood. I believed if I met God’s standards, He would always answer my prayers. I was wrong. So sometimes i feel like am tied both my hands and my regs and people they are beating me to death. The emotion you feel when you’re worrying all the time is called anxiety. Cognitive Distortions. If anything, I felt more charged up than anything. I think I have anxiety but I don’t know but I definitely had a panic attack more than twice but my thoughts and feeling have gotten to a point where i can’t enjoy anything anymore and the feeling is just so surreal(i have a problem with death I’m terrified of it but I wasn’t like that a few years ago it’s new) so I always have a feeling that I’m going to die which scares me a lot but my main problem is I’m really attached to my mum and I’m always scared to loose her (I’m terrified that she might die and I’m still young I’m 19) it has gotten to a whole new level: Talk to our therapists and counsellors from anywhere in the world via Skype and phone using our new platform, Need to talk to someone about your fear that something bad is going to happen? It was 430 pages, 200 pages lesser than my latest version! One evening after I got home, I sat at my computer and opened my document, ready to start work. You can face the worst things in the world, but if you make the choice not to let yourself be affected by them, you won’t be. Realize no matter what happens, you always have a choice in how you react. Everyday it’s getting worse and I hate thinking because when I like think and do stuff I normally do I can’t like not do it like my brain or my mind or whatever is making me do it by blackmailing me ‘if you eat then ur sister will get seriously ill’ I just hate it so much like I just hate it so much. Perhaps something bad happens in this life that results in your entering paradise in the hereafter. Well worth going and talking to a professional about now when it’s still just, as you say, ‘annoying’. How did that go? I can get sick but won’t take medicine prescription by doctor because I am afraid how it will make me feel so I stay sick it makes me so mad I’m this way. Im scared and i constantly worry about it every day. And it’s actually not that unusual to have thoughts about your parents dying. It was disheartening and honestly, somewhat depressing. You could be making bad choices, or are relying on people who let you down. For the past few weeks, I am getting thoughts like my brother is going to die in the next 10 years in an accident, something is going to happen to me, to my mom and dad if I don’t do a certain task. They are worth calling. A listening ear does wonders. I just see horrible images in my thoughts of horrible car accidents and imagining if I die or someone I love dies how hard it would affect me. Accept Help. If not now that you are over aged 18 and an adult you can legally find a therapist yourself. It’s a year plus now that have been suffering from heaviness of head. My sister is sick and my father is too. Hi Leonard, we can’t really say based on a comment, it could be anxiety. Celestine Chua writes at Personal Excellence on how to achieve personal excellence and live your best life. Asking for help is hard to do when you are going through something very personal, but … They might need to alter your dose. So why are you a special case? even my own husband just kinda ignores me when I get frightened or make him to look out side just to given me closure. Best, HT. But it’s definitely worth seeing someone over, as it sounds like your thoughts are really stressing you out and affecting your coping. Not in London? I want to rid myself of this thinking so I can enjoy the good things in life again. There are always things to be learned from every situation. It often means you sense danger where others don’t. As meds alone are not the answer you need support to help you find a sense of self worth again. Some call it karma. It can react to life stress the same as it would to being attacked by a leopard – it triggers the ‘fight or flight’ mode. Need to talk to someone about your fear that something bad is going to happen? Read our article on “Popular Cognitive Distortions” for more. ❤️ In the former case, we inhabit an essentially amoral universe: bad things happen to good people, children die premature deaths, and tragedy strikes without remorse, all without rhyme or reason. Plz help me. I always feel like something bad will happen. I used to be so laid back, but now that has seemed to change. Bad things happen but then so do good things. Aiming to be falsely ‘feeling good’ all the time leads to mental health issues. I am worriede everywhere and everytime, even at school during discussion or at house together with my parents and siblings, i kept on knocking the woods. How do you end up with anxiety? We just want to say good for you for telling your mother you would like to see a psychologist. Best, HT. Everything single day I think about death to the point where I can’t enjoy simple activities. This type of thing has rarely occurred in my life, but yet it has in a few different ways and now I cant stop thinking that it will repeat itself. Hi Anna, sounds like you are under a tremendous amount of stress, dealing with a lot all by yourself, and are suffering with anxiety. Or sometimes am thnking that i got electrocuted or got hit by car. Worth talking to a counsellor about. I wanna get therapy and reach for help but I am underage, I am terrified about talking to someone about it and even the thought of it makes me burst into tears. Subscribe and listen now to how others have coped with issues like anxiety, depression, bereavement, OCD and trauma and their tips for keeping well. There could be an organized plot to ruin your life, A demon or dark magic could be causing it, but I'd think this is least likely. Whenever things are going great in my relationship, I feel like its too good to be true and my subconscious looks for anything that might be bad, ex. It seems you are in America, or we’d suggest you see your family doctor, as in the UK there is free counselling. We’d highly advise you seek help over this, it responds to treatment. Your stories and your wisdom are just as meaningful as mine. This has really put a strain on my marriage and other areas. Two hundred pages of material and endless hours of hard work—all gone. There are many things it could be, from mild paranoia to PTSD, and would also be good to get a physical health check to rule out anything to do with hearing etc, it might simply be a medical issue over mental. You might also want to look into CBT therapy, it’s short term and you don’t have to talk much about the past, but it really helps to retrain your brain away from negative thought traps. We are more likely to remember the string of bad luck though. I added them on my to-do list and mapped out my schedule so I could still meet the original launch date. Some of us who just experience the world in a different manner than the average person. And Can it Help You? Sometimes I wish I could just stay in the house forever. You might have been bought up by parents who modelled this way of thinking. Please help me and give me a very honest answer. The mind seeks to ‘prove’ it’s negative core beliefs true. Many teenagers go through depression and anxiety as it can be overwhelming. the only thing that helps is being around people and/or hearing music. Head, for example trust the universe and our guidance did the doctor not to. Sadness and anger to know you have just been given meds or if can. Understand what we are more likely to remember the string of good.... Moved past it “ Popular Cognitive distortions ” for more might have been helped to death the it.... ) judge and it ’ s a familiar pattern for many for support, not repel, love:! 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